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Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited)

FOR THE YEAR ENDED December 31, 2023

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions Total

Revenues and Other Support

Contributions $1,600,666 $2,154 $1,602,820
Investment income, net 1,323,398 1,074,864 2,398,262
Beneficial trust income 63,593 63,593
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 7,988,639 10,510,417 18,499,056
Unrealized gain (loss) on interest in perpetual trust - 21,754 21,754
10,912,703 11,672,782 22,585,485

Net assets released from restrictions

1,027,582 (1,027,582) -

Total revenues and other support

11,940,285 10,645,200 22,585,485


Grants and distributions 8,962,594 - 8,962,594
Administrative and general expenses
Salaries 983,598 - 983,598
Purchased services 243,933 - 243,933
Employee benefits 199,385 - 199,385
Supplies and office expenses 64,473 - 64,473
Payroll taxes 59,393 - 59,393
Other expenses 35,146 - 35,146
Depreciation 44,273 - 44,273

Total administrative and general expenses

1,630,201 - 1,630,201
Other Expenses 212,865 - 212,865

Total expenses

10,805,660 - 10,805,660

Change in net assets

1,134,625 10,645,200 11,779,825

Net assets, beginning of year

66,961,478 83,434,624 150,396,102

Net assets, end of year

$68,096,103 $94,079,824 $162,175,927